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Q: How 30 degree fibers convert compressive force and torsion into tension How 30 degree fibers works in case of torsion For both case compression and torsion investigate if 30 degree is the best. If?
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The area of a span that is unaffected by an applied force is?

The line along the length of the beam between areas of tension and compression is called the neutral layer.

Why bridges have right triangle?

The load distribution is distributed over a certain width vs depth ratio:- as the aspect ration is changed the law of diminishing returns kicks in ie wider the triangle with shorter height will result in excessive tensile force on the bottom chord and higher compressive forces on the two acute sides. It is theoretically considered that the Isosceles triangle best makes use of this optimisation of tension and compressive forces in structures.

Is a torsion force an internal force?

Yes,torsion(Twist) is an internal force,along with tension(stretch),shear(cut,bend),compression(squeeze).An internal force acts between two parts of something.

How do you calculate the neutral axis of reinforced concrete slab?

Concrete slabs should be designed to fail under rebar yield as opposed to concrete crushing. So assuming a rebar yielding scenario the first step is to determine the maximum load which can be sustained by the tension rebar as follows, 0.87*Fy gives the failure maximum stress in the steel, which can then be multiplied by the total area of rebar to give the force of the steel in tension. where Fy is the yield strength of the steel. (typical value of Fy is say 500Mpa) Next it is assumed that the slab is in a state of static equilibrium i.e. not accelerating off in any direction! For this to happen the force in the concrete must = the force in the steel, Fst = Fcc = 0.567*Fck*A Fst = force of the steel in tension (calculated above) Fcc = force of concrete in compression = maximum sustainable Force of steel in tension Where Fck = concrete compressive strength, and A = area of a simplified stress block, limiting the depth of the stress block to 0.8x results in ; Fcc = 0.567*Fck*0.8x*B where x = depth to neutral axis B = breadth of slab Rearranging for x gives X = (Fcc/(0.567*Fck*B))/0.8

What is a tension graph?

no idea

Related questions

Why is tensile strength stronger than compressive strength?

Neither tensile strength nor compressive strength is inherently "stronger." Some materials are stronger in tension; other materials are stronger in compression. For example, rope is much stronger in tension than in compression, but concrete is much stronger in compression than in tension.

What does compression stress mean?

2.1.2. Compressive StressIf the bar is subjected to axial compression instead of axial tension, the stress developed at x-x is specifically called compressive stress pc.pc =R/A= P/A.Under compressive stress the bar suffers shortening.

What condition that is the opposite of tension occurs when a force squeezes an object?

Compression is the condition that occurs when a force squeezes an object, which is the opposite of tension. In compression, the object experiences a pushing or squeezing force that tends to compact its particles together. This can lead to deformation or structural failure if the object's material cannot withstand the compressive forces.

Is glass stronger in tension or compression?

Glass is stronger in compression than in tension. When a tensile force is applied to glass, it is more likely to break compared to when a compressive force is applied. This is because glass is more prone to developing cracks and fractures when subjected to tension.

Is bone weaker under compression or tension forces?

Bone is typically weaker under tension forces compared to compression forces. This means that bone is more likely to break or fracture when subjected to stretching or pulling forces rather than pushing or compressive forces.

Singly reinforced beam definition?

singly reinforcement beam have steel provided only one side tension an another side compression. tension takes steel load or tensile load and compression takes concrete or compressive load.

Why are Arch bridges made of stone?

It's all about compression and tension. Compression is the force pushing in on an object. If you sit in a chair your weight is a compressive force on the chair. Tension is the force pulling on an object. If you hang from a rope your weight puts the rope in tension. Stone is very strong under compression but can break easily under tension. An arch bridge only has compression forces within it so stone is a good material for an arch bridge.

What is compressive and tension load cell?

In compressive load cell weight is applied on load cell and it gets compressed. Due to this compression we can measure the applied load. You can check out at and in tension load cell see this link that i came across

Is glass stronger under compression or under tension?

Glass is stronger under compression than under tension. When subjected to compressive forces, the atoms in glass are pushed together, making it more resistant to breaking. In contrast, tension forces can cause glass to deform and eventually break due to the atoms being pulled apart.

What is difference between characterstic strength and compressive strength?

A characteristic strength is the strength of the material used for design purpose, and is statistically defined by the lower 5% fractile of a bell curve. Compressive strength is a generic term that could refer to anything

When designing a double-reinforced beam why is it necessary to provide extra reinforcement on the tension side as well as compression reinforcement?

A doubly reinforced beam is provided reinforcement in compression side also as to take care of extra load due to big section and to take care of tension in compression side ie compressive stresses so the section is safe.

How do compression and tension create motion?

tension streches it compression squeezes it