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Q: How A teams wins 23 out of 31 games what percentage of games did they win?
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How do you figure winning percentage?

(number of wins) / (total number of games) = winning percentage. It is typically represented by three decimal places. For example, if a team is 8-3, they have 8 wins in 11 (8+3) games. 8 / 11 = .727

If two little league teams are tied who wins?

Both teams win!!

What team is ahead record 1 2-3-1 record 2 3-4-0 win loss tie?

The easiest way to get your answer is to divide wins by total number of games played to get the winning percentage. Record 1 is 2 wins out of 6 games, or .333. Record 2 is 3 wins out of 7, or .429. Team 2 is ahead. In the NFL, teams are awarded half a game won for each tie. In that case, Record 1 would be 2.5 wins out of 6 games, or .417. Even then, Record 2 would still be a better winning percentage.

How do you find out a lawyers win percentage?

If you have the number of wins and number of losses, divide wins by the total.

How many games in regular season?

0 It is possible to win the division with no wins if all other teams also have no wins and the team has a better record by tie breakers or having tied more games than the other winless teams. But usually having a 10-6 record is sufficient to qualify for the playoffs.

How many Games played in world?

to be honest i think they are going to be 64 games played

How many games will each team play in the World Series?

No. The two championship series are the best 4 out of 7 games. When one of the teams wins 4 games, the series is over. If one team wins the first four games in a row, then only four games are played.

How many games are played in world series?

The World Series is best out of 7 games. The first team to win four becomes the world champion

What percentage of NBA teams win when leading at halftime?


2 guys are playing chess they play 5 games and each of them with 3 games how do they both win 3 games?

Dude they can't win 3 games each if they did they would have played 6 games if they played 5 games one would have 1 win and 4 wins or 2 wins or three wins,

How many games did connie mack win for philly?

Connie Mack was the manager of the Philadelphia ATHLETICS. During his years as manager-owner, his teams won 3731 games -- almost a thousand more wins than John McGraw, the manger with the second most wins.