ALU is responsible for the processing of data inside a processor. It analyses and compares numbers, letters and special characters. It performs calculations and does comparisons. It also decoded data and manipulate them to produce information in machine code and then send that to the CU. It analyzes and compares numbers, letters and special characters.
The ALU (Arithmetic/Logic Unit)
ALU, the Arithmetic Logic Unit.
The Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) is the heart of a CPU. This is what allows the computer to add, subtract, and to perform basic logical operations.
That's done by the ALU (arithmetic and logic unit).
The arithmentic logic unit (ALU) and the control unit are located inside the central processing unit (CPU).
A CPU contains a control unit and an arithmetic/logic unit
The Arithmetic and Logarithmic Unit of the CPU.
The ALU performs arithmetic and logic operations. ALU stands for Arithmetic Logic Unit.
There is a special part of the CPU that performs Arithmetic and Logical calculations. Its called Arithmetic Logic Unit ( ALU ).
That's done by the ALU (arithmetic and logic unit).
The "arithmetic logic unit" performs these operations in classical standard microprocessor architectures
ALU-Arithmetic logic unit,cpu-central processing unit
It performs arithmetic and logic operations within the microprocessor.
A CPU is made up of the control unit (CU), instruction decoding unit and an arithmetic logic unit (ALU).
A CPU is made up of the control unit (CU), instruction decoding unit and an arithmetic logic unit (ALU).
A CPU contains a control unit and an arithmetic/logic unit