

How DFD difffer from flow chart?

Updated: 12/21/2022
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13y ago

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Flow Chart is a generic term, and DFD is a specific one. Data Flow Diagram (DFD) is a data flow chart to illustrate the data flow/store/change in a component/system/product from the input to the output.

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What is DFD explain in detail?

DFD means Data Flow Diagram, which is a graphical representation of the flow data i.e. how the data move from the external data source or internal data store to an external system or to an internal system. Is quite different from the Flow chart where one can determine the rate, order and circumstances of occurrence of an work but without any data input output information. which is possible in case of DFD.

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DFD means data flow diagram and database is an integral part of the DFD. It is not possible to draw a DFD without a database, since there has to be a place for data storage in the overall business process flow.

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For a physical Data Flow Diagram you explore into the logical DFD. for example, if you have a data flow arrow declared as "customer information" now the physical DFD would include in that data flow arrow "customer information = customer_name + customer_address". something along these lines Physical DFD shows how various functions are performed and who does them but Logical DFD strips away all physical constraints but does not restrict physical happenings from taking place.

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DFD for online shopping refers to a data flow diagram. Such a diagram offers information pertaining to the activity between customers, sellers and visitors to an online store.

What are the shortcomings of dfd as a tool for performing structured analysis?

Data Flow Diagram explains the logic behind the data flow within the system. Dfd performs an implicit functional decomposition of the system. But the shortcoming is the DFD is time consuming process.

Data flow diagram for online banking system?

E Rmodel for banking system means the working process of the bank

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A Physical Data Flow Diagram is a diagram showing howparticular functions are performed within the data flow as opposed to a Logical DFD which only shows what functions are performed.