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Q: How Many pennies fit in a 24oz Jar?
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How many pennies can fit in a quart jar?

It would depend on the size of the jar and when you call it full. 1500 to 2000 US pennies can fit in a standard 6x4 jar.

How many pennies can fit in a 64 ounce jar?

1,000-3,000 pennies

How many pennies fit in 6x4 jar?

1500 to 2000 US cents will fit into a 6x4 jar.

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I collected a 100 dollars in pennies once and I could fit about 13 dollars worth in a wide mouth, one quart, Ball Mason Jar. That's about 1300 per quart.

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There are several countries which use a penny as its minor currency unit: these coins differ in size. It is, therefore, necessary to know which country you had in mind. Second, the answer also depends on the shape of the jar. It is [technically] possible that the jar is very, very tall but so narrow that not even a single penny will fit in it.

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It depends on how big the jar is.

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Only one, if the jar is really tiny. However, if the jar is really huge, then you may be able to fit thousands of skittles in a glass jar.

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