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Q: How One kelvin difference in temperature (is greater than equal to less than one degree Celsius difference in temperature?
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Which has a greater difference in temperature Celsius degree or Fahrenheit degree?

Celsius degrees are larger than Fahrenheit degrees.

What is different between degree Celsius and Celsius degree?

There is no difference between degree Celsius and Celsius degree. Both terms are used interchangeably to refer to a unit of temperature measurement on the Celsius scale.

Which is greater an increasein temperature of one degree celsius or one degree Fahrenheit?

An increase in temperature of one degree Celsius is greater than an increase in temperature of one degree Fahrenheit. This is because the Celsius scale has a larger degree increment than the Fahrenheit scale.

Degrees Kelvin in 1 degree Celsius?

There is 1 Kelvin for every 1 degree Celsius.A temperature difference of 100 degrees Celsius is a temperature difference of 100 Kelvin.

Difference of Celsius degree and degree Celsius?

no difference

What is the difference of degree Celsius to Celsius degree?

No difference.

One kelvin degree represents the same difference in what?

One Kelvin degree represents the same difference in temperature as one Celsius degree.

Why did kelvin choose to keep the temperature difference represented by one kelvin the same temperature difference represented by one degree Celsius?

Kelvin chose to keep the temperature difference for one Kelvin the same as one degree Celsius to facilitate easy conversion between the two temperature scales. This decision allows for a direct relationship between the scales, where one Kelvin is equal to one degree Celsius in terms of temperature difference.

How are degree Celsius temperature related?

A degree Celsius is a measure of temperature.

What is the difference Celsius degree and degree Celsius?

There IS a difference, which arises because the Celsius scale is not an absolute scale: its zero is arbitrary. What this means is that 20 deg C is not twice as warm as 10 deg C. So, the difference between 10 deg C and 20 deg C is NOT 10 deg C but 10 Celsius degrees.In other words, one Celsius degree is the difference in temperature between n deg C and (n+1) deg C (for any n > -273) whereas one degree Celsius is a specific temperature - a bit above the freezing point of pure water under normal pressure.

What is the difference of the temperature 5.7 Celsius and -1.4 Celsius?


Which is a larger change in temperature a change of Celsius degree or 1 Fahrenheit degree?

A change of 1 Fahrenheit degree is equivalent to a change of 0.55 Celsius degrees. Therefore, a change of 1 Celsius degree is larger than a change of 1 Fahrenheit degree in terms of temperature difference.