Some numbers are improper fractions and some are not. For example, 1/2 or 0.5 is a number but not an improper fraction. And there is no way in which you can express it as an improper fraction.
You change them into improper or topheavy fractions.
First you would want to change the mixed number to an improper fraction. Then you can subtract
you have to multiply the top and bottom number by the same number
Change the whole number into an improper fraction with the same denominator as the fraction and then subtract accordingly
This question looks a little turned around. You can't change a proper fraction to an improper one unless you add something to it and improper fractions don't have whole numbers. To change an improper fraction to a mixed number (a whole number with a fraction) divide the denominator into the numerator. The result is the whole number. The remainder gets put over the original denominator. 22/7 = 3 and 1/7
twelve eighths is already in improper fraction, an improper fraction is a fraction which has a numerator (top number) larger than the denominator (bottom number)
You change them into improper or topheavy fractions.
If its not an improper fraction then you cant....
First you would want to change the mixed number to an improper fraction. Then you can subtract
improper fraction
I don't think you can but, you can change an improper fraction to a decimal.
improper fraction
improper fraction
you have to multiply the top and bottom number by the same number
You change it into an improper fraction, then simplify it, then if you want to, change it back to a mixed number.
595/24 is an improper fraction; to change it to mixed number = 24 19/24
You do the numerator divided by the denominator, then simplify the fractions if you can. (this is how you change a improper fraction to a mixed number, you cannot change a proper fraction to a mixed number)