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They both use numbers.

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Q: How a number line and a time line similar mathematically?
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How a number line and a time line are similar mathematically?

A time line is a number line of years

Explain how a number line and a time line are similar mathematically?

well they are similar because they bth got yo mom in it

How are number lines and time lines similar mathematically?

They are lines along which some continuous variable is measured.

How are a number line and a time line similar?

they are both in chronological order

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The number of wavelengths in a given unit of time is determined by the frequency of the wave. It is equal to the frequency of the wave multiplied by the duration of time. Mathematically, it can be expressed as: Number of wavelengths = Frequency x Time.

How do you prove mathematically that a point or a link in a mechanism is traveling in a straight line?

You find the locus of the point over time and either through geometrical or algebraic reasoning demonstrate that the result is a straight line.

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Because it is on a similar line of longitude so is in the same time zone.

What is the Definition of irrational numbers and real numbers?

An irrational number is one that can not be written as a/b where a and b are integers(whole numbers such as 5, -2, and 831).Mathematically: A quantity which can not be expressed as the ratio of two integers.Real numbers are any number you can find in the real world. For example:-the square root of 2-the length of a line (any line)-pi (3.1415..........)-The number of people in a flight-The time it takes the water to boilA more formal definition would be: Any number which does not have an imaginary component.

What is the firing frequency equation?

The firing frequency of a neuron can be estimated by dividing the total number of action potentials generated by the neuron within a given time period by that time period. This can be mathematically expressed as: Firing Frequency (Hz) = Number of Action Potentials / Time Period.

How do you get rid of your facebook time-line?

The Timeline instals similar to an application. You should be able to remove it, similar to other applications. If not, your doomed to Timeline forever!!

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The equation for finding acceleration of an object moving in a straight line is: acceleration (a) = change in velocity (Δv) / time taken (Δt). Mathematically, it can also be written as a = (v_f - v_i) / t, where v_f is the final velocity, v_i is the initial velocity, and t is the time taken.

Would a line graph or a bar be better for showing the number of birds of each color in a population?

a bar graph because the line graph shows something in a period of time. Also a bar graph would show the number of birds and the color of them at the time while a line graph would show only the number of birds and the time.