

How algebra is discovered?

Updated: 12/4/2022
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Q: How algebra is discovered?
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Where did algebra get discovered?

The middle east: algebra comes from the Arabic "al-jabr wa".

Who is said to be the founder of algebra?

the founder of algebra are the Arabs. They discovered it when it was their golden age when Profit Mohammed was around.

How algebra is formed?

This question is impossible to understand. Are you asking how algebra was discovered, what its fundamental principles are, or how it is taught in schools? Please resubmit your question specifying what you are looking for.

Who discovered of algebra?

Who discovered algebra or Who is the discoverer of algebra? Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi (780-850) wrote the first major transliteration of Babylonian and Indian mathematics into Arabic and is considered the 'founder' of modern algebra. However, the Babylonian, Indian, and Greek precursors date as far back as 1800 BCE, and in most instances individual mathematicians have been lost to history.

What mathematical and medical developments did Muslims make during the abbasids period?

They discovered how to heal small pocks and measles. They also made the word algebra to us but is called "al-jabr" to the Muslims.

How did george boole discovered the boolean algebra?

George Boole introduced Boolean Algebra in 1847 as a response to an ongoing debate between two mathematicians at the time. Boolean Algebra captures essential properties of both set operations and logic operations.

Who discover the algebra?

Both Diophratus (300AD) and Al-Khwarizmi(800 AD) are often called the "father of algebra". I like Al- Khwarizmi because he use the term "al-jabr" which now is known as algebra. Al jabr ( arabic) means, when loosely translated, "what I do to one side of the equation, do the the other"

What did Aryabhatta invent?

concept of zero, algebra, discovered that earth rotates on a axis around the sun and, that the earth is round.

Why was algebra an important invention to Islam?

Algebra was not an important invention to Islam as a religion. It was an important invention in mathematics that was discovered by a Muslim (Al-Khwarizmi). Algebra is important in mathematics because it establishes the ability to perform mathematical operations even if some or all of the quantities are unknown.

Who discovered matrix?

The first study of matrix algebra happened when Hermann Grassmann published "Theory of Extension" in 1844. In 1848, James Sylvester coined the term matrix while studying linear algebra.

Did Sir Isaac Newton discover algebra geometry calculus or square roots?

Newton discovered calculus, along with Leibniz. The rest were discovered centuries if not millenia before Newton's birth.

Who discovered algebra?

Abū ʿAbdallāh Muḥammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī created is believed to be the father of algebra (called algebra because the Arabic word al-jabr was used in the title of his book, which means "stress" or "something to stress over")