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Q: How and what is the reason for such increase in cost for more than 60 times?
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Which is not a reason for the government to provide a good or service as a public good?

Having more consumers would increase a private providers cost.

What does incremental cost means?

the increase or decrease in cost as a result of one more or one less unit of output.

Why increase in selling price doesnt increase profit?

It is simple that if the selling price is increased more then of cost increase then profit will increase but if selling price increased less then cost increased then there will be less profit or selling price increased in same proportion to cost increased then there may be no increase in profit. Besides that there may be so many other reasons for that.

Increase any of the fixed cost what happens to the numbers of units in the break even?

Increased in fixed cost causes the breakeven point to increase as well because now more units requires to fill the fixed cost.

Do DUI's increase on Halloween?

5 times more than average.

More words for multiplication?

times, increase, double/triple etc.

When would the price of a good most likely increase?

Prices of goods used to increase with the cost of ingredients, cost to produce them, and maybe if there was a shortage. In our times, a company that purchases a product may raise the price to the value they perceive it has.

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The reason is the increase in sophistication of technical expertise requiring more Laboratories to process the available evidence.

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No. The American colonies were the reason and the growth of more cotton after the cotton gin was invented.

What is a 500 percent increase?

It means 5 times more than at the beginning

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by 3 times more

The opportunity cost of each additional tank in terms of autos.......?

Increase as more tanks are produced.