To determine how many times 16 goes into 82, you would perform long division. When you divide 82 by 16, you get 5 with a remainder of 2. This means that 16 goes into 82 five times with a remainder of 2.
3 R 16
7 ÷ 82 = 7/82 ≈ 0.0854.
82 times.
623 ÷ 82 = 7 remainder 29
Five times with a remainder of two
To determine how many times 16 goes into 82, you would perform long division. When you divide 82 by 16, you get 5 with a remainder of 2. This means that 16 goes into 82 five times with a remainder of 2.
3 R 16
Exactly 82 times
7 ÷ 82 = 7/82 ≈ 0.0854.
82 times.
Two times.
Five times.
4.5 times
82 times.
Oh, dude, you're hitting me with some math now? Alright, let me think... 23 goes into 82 about 3 times with a remainder of 13. So, like, you can fit 23 into 82 three times, but there's still a little leftover. Math, man, it's wild.
623 ÷ 82 = 7 remainder 29