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Similar water surronds both island

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Q: How are Amchitka and Shemya alike?
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When was Amchitka - album - created?

Amchitka - album - was created in 2009-11.

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Where is Shemya Alaska?

At the far end of the Aleutian Islands.

What is amchitka in an ocean?

It is an island: one of the Aleutian Islands.

What country is the island of amchitka located in?

Between the pacific ocean and the bering sea.

Was Alaska used for atomic bomb tests?

yes, several large underground tests were performed on amchitka island in the aleutians.

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Not alike

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they are alike

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they are alike

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no they are not alike

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They are NOT alike.

Is it to think of how alike we are or to think how alike we are?

magens are alike becuse they can both stick and hold