

How are Gamma Rays transmitted?

Updated: 11/3/2022
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Q: How are Gamma Rays transmitted?
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How does the speed of light compare with the speed of gamma rays when both speeds are measured in a vacuum?

Same speed - light and gamma rays are both electromagnetic waves, but with different frequencies.

When was the gamma ray discovered?

Paul Villard, a French physicist, is credited with discovering gamma rays. Most sources put this in 1900, although I've seen a few sources use 1898. Villard recognized them as different from X-rays (discovered in 1896 by Roentgen) because the gamma rays had a much greater penetrating depth. It wasn't until 1914 that Rutherford showed that they were a form of light with a much shorter wavelength than X-rays.

Can you compare the distance traveled by photon in gamma rays with the distance traveled in radio wave?

A wave length of gamma rays is 10 raised to minus 12. Means 1/1,000,000,000,000 meter. It means, you have 1,000,000,000,000, waves of gamma rays in one meter. Wave length of radio wave is 1000 meters. Speed of both of them same. So roughly, you take the speed of radio wave as straight line, forsimplicity of calculation. And straighten the gamma rays it would be minimum 1,000,000,000,000 times the speed of radio wave. ( Here you have taken length of radio wave 1000 times less, it means only 1 meter to correct the effect of straitening it, to be on safer side.) If you know the amplitude ofelectromagneticwave, you can get the unimaginable figure. In threedimensionalspace, wave may be traveling like spring and not as you draw on paper. Probably magnetic wave travel like coating on insulated wire. Which will be perpendicular to 'electric' wave. In that case, it should bechallenging task formathematiciansto calculate the length of such spiral wave.Probably something iscompressing the gamma rays to very small wave, so that speed of electromagnetic wave be a constant. The photons with maximum energy travel as a gamma rays. Then as gradually energy in photon decreases, it's wave length increases. It is a 'spectrum' and for your convenience that you have given them different names. Like gamma rays, x-rays, ultraviolet rays, light rays, infra-red, microwaves and radio waves etc. So better you wait for the edit of this answer by expert in this subject.

What is a E-M spectrum?

Electro-magnetic spectrum consists of all electromagnetic radiation. These range from radio frequencies, through microwave, infrared, visible light, ultra violet, X-rays and Gamma rays.

How does the speed of visible light compare with the speed of gamma rays when both speeds are maeasured in a vacuum?

If both of them are in the same substance, then their speeds are equal.

Related questions

What kind of gamma ray can penetrate solids?

Gamma rays are gamma rays are gamma rays.

What is transmitted radiation?

Transmitted radiation refers to the portion of radiation that passes through a material without being absorbed or scattered. This can include various types of radiation such as light, x-rays, or gamma rays. The amount of transmitted radiation depends on the material's composition and thickness.

What are the electromagnetic waves with the shortest wavelengths and the highest frequency called?

Gamma Rays

What is energy transmitted in rays or waves?

Energy transmitted in rays or waves is called electromagnetic radiation. This type of energy includes visible light, radio waves, microwaves, infrared, ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma rays. Electromagnetic radiation travels in a wave-like pattern and does not require a medium to propagate.

Are there problems with gamma rays?

no gamma rays are the best

What is x rays and gamma rays?

Cathode rays generate x-rays and gamma rays are electromagnetic radiation. Gamma rays have very high penetration power.

Which has a higher frequency gamma rays or xrays?

Gamma rays have a higher frequency than X-rays. Gamma rays are the most energetic form of electromagnetic radiation in the electromagnetic spectrum, whereas X-rays have a lower frequency than gamma rays.

What are gamma rays crest?

gamma rays are Vincent is weird

What has bigger wave lengths microwaves or gamma rays?

Gamma rays have shorter wavelengths compared to microwaves. This means that microwaves have longer wavelengths than gamma rays.

Are gamma rays neutrons?

No, gamma rays are not neutrons. They are electromagnetic rays or electromagnetic energy.

Does x-rays or gamma rays have lower energy?

X-rays have lower energy than gamma rays. Gamma rays are a form of high-energy electromagnetic radiation, while x-rays have lower energy and shorter wavelengths than gamma rays.

What are Gamma rays a part of?

Gamma rays are high-energy photons.