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They are both money/cash

:P and they are both made of metals and they are small

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Q: How are a penny and a nickel alike?
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There are 5 coins 2 nickels and 3 pennies they are in the order of penny nickel penny nickel penny and need to be in the order of penny penny penny nickel nickel you can only move a penny and a nickel?

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The size

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A penny contains 97.5% zinc. A nickel contains no zinc at all.

What are all the possible outcomes for flipping or tossing three coins a dime a nickel and a penny in an organized manner and how would a tree diagram show these results?

There are eight possible results when flipping three coins (eliminating the highly unlikely scenario of one or more coins landing on their edge): Dime - Heads / Nickel - Heads / Penny - Heads Dime - Heads / Nickel - Heads / Penny - Tails Dime - Heads / Nickel - Tails / Penny - Heads Dime - Heads / Nickel - Tails / Penny - Tails Dime - Tails / Nickel - Heads / Penny - Heads Dime - Tails / Nickel - Heads / Penny - Tails Dime - Tails / Nickel - Tails / Penny - Heads Dime - Tails / Nickel - Tails / Penny - Tails

What is width in millimeters of US coins Quarter Nickel Penny?

Quarter: 24.26mm Nickel: 21.21mm Penny: 19.05mm

Can you make 74 cents with 9 coins?

Yes, you can make seventy-four cents with nine coins: quarter, quarter, dime, nickel, nickel, penny, penny, penny, penny

When a penny and a nickel are tossed. find the probability that the penny shows heads given that the nickel shows heads?

The probability is 0.5

How is a penny and the sun alike?

They are alike cause their're both round