The average IQ is 100, with two-thirds of the population having IQs between 85 and 115, and 95% of the population having IQs between 70 and 130.
IQ follows a normal distribution (bell curve) around the mean, usually 100. Since the normal distribution is horizontally aymptotic, technically a possibility exists for any IQ score. Therefore the concept of IQ is not like a test score even though IQs have to be obtained by taking multiple tests.
It has no unit; it is just a number, which is based on a normal distribution with mean 100 and standard deviation 15. The "average" person has an IQ of 100. There is a standard error associated with calculating IQs of a 95% chance that the actual IQ is within the range of the given IQ ± 4; which means that someone with an IQ of 102 could actually have less of whatever it is the IQ tests measure than someone with an IQ of 100.
The highest IQ ever estimated was the 300 IQ of William James Sidis. The highest IQ of a person alive today and recordedis the 228 IQ of Marilyn vos Savant. Both of these IQs were ratio IQs, meaning they were calculated by figuring out the person's "mental age" based on how many questions they answered and then using the formula Mental age/chronological age * 100. IQs are no longer calculated this way.
What an IQ of 154 really means is simply: People with IQ's of 120 and above tend to staff the professions as doctors, dentists, lawyers, teachers, and college professors. They fall in the upper 10% of the population. But there are also people with very high IQs that never reach mental maturity and simply do not apply themselves. You can find people with high IQs working in low paying jobs as well as high paying ones. It is like a teacher would say "He/she is very smart, but they just do not apply themselves". The "average" IQ is: 100 to 111. It is the "average" because the frequency is 50%. Typical Educability is 12th-Grade to College Degree.
Although there is no very reliable study of the average IQ of lawyers, most estimates place it between 115 and 130, in the "high normal" to "superior" range. Of course, since that's the average, that means there are lawyers with IQs below that and also lawyers with IQs above that.
The average IQ is 100, with two-thirds of the population having IQs between 85 and 115, and 95% of the population having IQs between 70 and 130.
college professors
Yes. IQs are normalized by age. The average IQ is 100 with a standard deviation of 15 by definition. So, a 113 falls right at the top of the average range.
The IQs of a large enough population can be modeled with a Normal Distribution
It is very normal. Don't worry about being different. Answer 113 is actually "high-average". To give you some idea what that means in the context of large groups of people with similar IQs, the average college student has an IQ of approximately 115. Roughly half of college students have IQs equal to or higher than 115; roughly half have IQs equal to or lower than 115. If a prediction were to be made based only on IQ, a young woman with an IQ of 113 should be very comfortable with college-level academic studies.
Intelligence QuotientIntelligence Quotient
Usually in elementary school, people who are believed to have either far above-average, or below-average IQs are invited to take one. Otherwise contact a local Mensa chapter, they will be happy to test you.
People with higher intelligence may use learning, reasoning, and problem-solving skills in preventing chronic disease and accidental injury and in adhering to complex treatment regimens.Therefore they, on average, have better health habits that help prolong life. On the other hand, many people with lower IQs live to a ripe old age and many people with high IQs have very bad habits.People with higher intelligence may use learning, reasoning, and problem-solving skills in preventing chronic disease and accidental injury and in adhering to complex treatment regimens.Therefore they, on average, have better health habits that help prolong life. On the other hand, many people with lower IQs live to a ripe old age and many people with high IQs have very bad habits.People with higher intelligence may use learning, reasoning, and problem-solving skills in preventing chronic disease and accidental injury and in adhering to complex treatment regimens.Therefore they, on average, have better health habits that help prolong life. On the other hand, many people with lower IQs live to a ripe old age and many people with high IQs have very bad habits.People with higher intelligence may use learning, reasoning, and problem-solving skills in preventing chronic disease and accidental injury and in adhering to complex treatment regimens.Therefore they, on average, have better health habits that help prolong life. On the other hand, many people with lower IQs live to a ripe old age and many people with high IQs have very bad habits.
I would say 30 people sitting in a theatre have more variation in their respective IQs primarliy because it is a more random sample. Assuming that the testing involves a U.S. only sample and assuming that the statistics class is a college level class, one can argue that the 30 students will all have average to above average IQs since they all have the desire to go to college and have been admitted to college. On the other hand, there is no variable that allows one to discern if the theatre goers have same or similar IQs.