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series of 1 neck, 1 weist, 1 hip, repeat 2 more times

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Q: How are circumference measurements taken for females?
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What three measurements are taken when a baby is born?

How much the baby weighs, how long the baby is and the babies head circumference.

Measurements taken from space show the earth to be?

Measurements taken from space show the Earth to be round in shape, with a diameter of approximately 12,742 kilometers at the equator. The Earth's circumference is approximately 40,075 kilometers.

What is the circumference of a circle with a diameter of 70?

Circumference = 70*pi units of measurements

What is the circumference of a circle if the radius is 525?

Circumference = 2*pi*525 units of measurements

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pi in fractional form is calculated by dividing the circumference of any circle by its diameter. The accuracy of pi depends on the accuracy on the measurements taken.

What are the Earth's pole-to-pole circumference and equatorial circumference measurements?

4000km,40,700km ... ur welcome.

Body frame can be determined by which measurements?

wrist circumference

Body frame size can be determined by which measurements?

wrist circumference

What two measurements can you divide in a circle that will always give you an answer of pi?

They are: circumference/diameter = pi and circumference/2*radius = pi

What are the average measurements of a golf bag For example height circumference ext.?

Mid-size golf (cart) bag circumference about 36 inches (90cm)

What are measurements use for?

They are height, width, length, distance, perimeter, circumference, diameter ... etc

What are the measurements of a softball?

18 inches in circumference