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A cylinder is a circle with an added dimension, height. Area of a circle is pi*r^2, and the volume of a cylinder is pi*r^2*h.

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Q: How are cylinders and circles alike?
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Related questions

Are circles and cylinders alike?

No.Circles are two-dimensional figures while cylinders are three-dimensional.

Why are circles and cylinders alike?

The circular base of a cylinder has the same properties as that of a circle.

How circles and cylinders are related?

Cylinders are 3 dimensional shapes and they have a pair of parallel circles

How are prisms and cylinders different?

Prisms have polygons as bases whereas cylinders have circles as bases. In a way, a cylinder is like a circular prism.

How many circles are on the cylinders?


Why are cells shaped alike?

Cells have similar shapes, such as round or rectangular, due to their need to efficiently perform their functions. The shape of a cell is often related to its specific function, such as round shapes being better suited for moving through the bloodstream, while elongated shapes are better for muscle cells that need to contract and expand. Ultimately, the shape of a cell is optimized for its specific role in the body.

How are cylinders and spheres alike?

They both have a circular face.

How are cylinder and a cone not alike?

because on the top their circles

How are cylinders and rectangular prisms similar?

Cylinders are circles pulled out into the third dimension and rectangular prisms are rectangles pulled into the third dimension.

How many vetices does the cylinders have?

0, since it is basically many circles put together

How are cylinders and cones alike in math?

They have at least one circular base.

How are the sun and the moon alike?

They are both alike because they both have no gravity