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They are not the same!

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Q: How are cylinders and spheres the same?
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Related questions

Why aren't cylinders and cones and spheres polygons?

polygons have faces and cylinders and cone and spheres only has bases not faces.

How are cylinders and spheres alike?

They both have a circular face.

What solid figures that have no vertices?

Spheres, cylinders and sometimes prisms

Egyptians excelled in the geometrics forms of?

spheres cylinders squarese

What kinds of 3d shapes are there?

There is prisms and pyramids. There are also spheres and cylinders

What is the similarity among spheres cones and cylinders?

A circular cross-section.

An object with three dimensions is a?

A few object types are cubes, spheres, and cylinders.

How are spheres different from cylinders?

A sphere is like a 3D circle . A cylinder has one curved side and two circular ones. Cylinder............................................soda can

What is the study of spheres and cylinders in math called?

Spheres and cylinders are studied in geometry. In fact there is a geometry that just deals with spheres called spherical geometry. Imagine living on a sphere ( you almost do) compared to living on a plane. Some geometric postulates must be modified for this.There is a geometry of living on the surface of a cylinder too.

Which shape does not have 4 sides?

Triangles, spheres, pentagons, cylinders, circles, ellipses, the Mandelbrot Set, etc.

What are spheres that have the same length radii called?

Congruent spheres

Which soilds have no perpendicular faces?

Spheres, cones and cylinders have no perpendicular faces that meet each other at right angles.