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An independent variable is the variable that was changed. The dependant is what was measured.

Eg. If you filled 3 cups of water - one with 1/4 of a cup, one with half a cup and one with 3/4 of a cup. Then you grab a spoon to find the highest note, then the amount of water is the independent variable and the sound is the dependant.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

The dependent variable changes as a result in changes in the independent variable. Think of the growth of plants depending on time or how your grade on a test depends upon the amount of time you study. Experiments often have time as the independent variable. Remember the independent variable (like time) goes on the x-axis.

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Q: How are dependent and independent variables used in an experiment?
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What is is an independent variable?

An independent variable is the variable that the scientist changes, and the dependent variables are the variables that the scientist doesn't control. So that would mean that the independent variable is typically the variable being manipulated or changed and the dependent variable is the observed result of the independent variable being manipulated. The independent variable in a science experiment is the variable that you change on purpose. The independent variable is the variable that scientists manipulate in an experiment in order to determine its effect on a dependent variable. For example, if you wanted to see what affected frog deformities, you would set up an experiment where you would have frogs placed in the same environments as each other, except for one variable (independent) that is different. Let's say the control group gets exposed to all the same food, temperature, length of daylight, population density, etc., as the experimental group. The experimental group has the amount of UV exposure varied. The UV exposure (independent variable) would be used to determine its effects on frog deformities (dependent variable).

Can a quantitative study have an independent and dependent variables?

Yes. The presumed cause is the independent variable and the presumed effect is the dependent varibale. Variablility in the dependent variable is presumed to depend on variablility in the independent variables. It is used more of a direction of influence rather than a cause and effect scenario. Ex. need for increased assistance is dependent on decrease in health. Health is the independent variable and assistance is the dependent.

What is a n independent variable?

an independent variable is a figure usually shown as a letter that is used in the scientific theory. An independent variable is used in a hypothesized experiment in which this variable is unchanged and is used to effect the dependent variable somewhere in the experiment.

What is definning variables?

A variable is any factor, trait, or condition that can exist in differing amounts or types. An experiment usually has three kinds of variables: independent, dependent, and controlled.

Is the independent variable changed?

In an experiment your independent variable does change to what you choose. An example would be an experiment testing to see if the amount of water in a pot effects the amount of time it takes for the water to boil. Your independent variable would be the different amounts of water used. Your dependent variable would be the time because it depends on the independent variable (the amount of water used) . Your constant would be the temperature because it is not changed throughout the experiment, and thus remains constant. This way you can isolate which changes affect which variables.

Related questions

Independent and dependent are types of what?

Independent and dependent are types of variables. These variables are used mostly in science and math. When using independent variables you can control them dependent variables you cannot.

What are the dependent and independent variables in the experiment?

The independent variable can be located on the x-axis, it also means its the thing in the experiment that you change. The dependent variable is located on the y-axis, and is what you are using to measure your independent variable.The independent variable is a variable that changes.The dependent variable is a variable that is measured and used for data.

What is dependent and independent variable of fermentation?

The answer depends on the experiment. Possible variables are: the substance being fermented, the yeast used, exposure to oxygen, time, sugar levels, alcohol levels, temperature. Any of these can be independent variables. The sugar and alcohol levels can be dependent variables.

What is an dependent?

Variables used in an experiment or modelling can be divided into three types: "dependent variable", "independent variable", or other.The "dependent variable" represents the output or effect, or is tested to see if it is the effect.The "independent variables" represent the inputs or causes, or are tested to see if they are the cause. Other variables may also be observed for various reasons.

Within the framework of an experiment how do you describe the independent variable dependent variable and the controlled variables?

In an experiment, the independent variable is altered, and the effect observed is the dependent variable, or outcome. The controlled variable is intended to be kept the same throughout the experiment so that changes in it do not affect the results.

What is an Dependent varible?

Variables used in an experiment or modelling can be divided into three types: "dependent variable", "independent variable", or other.The "dependent variable" represents the output or effect, or is tested to see if it is the effect.The "independent variables" represent the inputs or causes, or are tested to see if they are the cause. Other variables may also be observed for various reasons.

What is an Independent Variable and a dependant variable?

temperature, pressure , volume, are independent density, viscosity, etc are dependent Properties of mater are always dependent of independents. as (dependent) density , viscosity , mass density , phase conduction , etc always vary when we change independents .(temperature, pressure , volume) so you can understand dependent & in dependent

What is is an independent variable?

An independent variable is the variable that the scientist changes, and the dependent variables are the variables that the scientist doesn't control. So that would mean that the independent variable is typically the variable being manipulated or changed and the dependent variable is the observed result of the independent variable being manipulated. The independent variable in a science experiment is the variable that you change on purpose. The independent variable is the variable that scientists manipulate in an experiment in order to determine its effect on a dependent variable. For example, if you wanted to see what affected frog deformities, you would set up an experiment where you would have frogs placed in the same environments as each other, except for one variable (independent) that is different. Let's say the control group gets exposed to all the same food, temperature, length of daylight, population density, etc., as the experimental group. The experimental group has the amount of UV exposure varied. The UV exposure (independent variable) would be used to determine its effects on frog deformities (dependent variable).

What is used in a way to compare values for dependent variables in many experiment?

experimental control

Need answer ASAP- What is my independent and dependent variable?

hi, im doing a science assignment on whether "a homemade barometer can be used to predict rainfall within 24 hours" and i need help with what the dependant variable and indepentant variable is FOR THIS EXPERIMENT

Where are the dependent and independent variables located on a graph explain with example?

The independent variable (such as time) is places on the x-axis of a graph. Always place the things that will never change on the x-axis. The dependent variable is then placed on the y-axis. The difference between the independent and dependent variable is that the independent variable in an experient does not change it is what stays constent, it is what is used to measure the dependent variable. On the other hand the dependent variable is what the experiment is testing for and what depends on the independent variable.

Can a quantitative study have an independent and dependent variables?

Yes. The presumed cause is the independent variable and the presumed effect is the dependent varibale. Variablility in the dependent variable is presumed to depend on variablility in the independent variables. It is used more of a direction of influence rather than a cause and effect scenario. Ex. need for increased assistance is dependent on decrease in health. Health is the independent variable and assistance is the dependent.