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A double number line is very similar to a ratio table in that you use them to solve problems requiring proportions. The ratio table is more flexible in that you do not need to position the numbers in the "correct" position. If you Google using models in realistic mathematics education you will find references to these and ideas how they might be used in the classroom

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Q: How are double number lines and ratio tables alike?
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What are vertical lines called?

They are simply just called lines.

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They are alike because they both cross each other. They are different because perpendicular lines have to be a right angle while intersecting lines can be any kind of angle.

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The contours of the water table lines are the same as the contours of other topographical lines. The only indication of water tables might be elevation lines but they are not unique to water tables.

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Perpendicular lines are lines that intersect at a right angle (90 degrees).

How many lines of symmetry does a plolygon have?

It depends on how many sides that it has and whether of not it is regular (all the lines of the polygon are of equal length if it is a regular polygon). For regular polygons, the number of symmetry lines is the number of sides if number of sides is an odd number. Otherwise, the number of symmetry lines is double the number of sides. A square has 4 sides and 8 symmetry lines; a triangle has 3 sides and 3 symmetry lines.

What Is Alike Between Axis and Equator?

They Are Both Imaginary Lines.

How are perpendicular lines and intersecting line alike?

Perpendicular lines are lines that intersect each other at 90 degrees or at right angles

How perpendicular lines and parallel lines alike?

Well, they are used for graphing information on graphs and are used on maps.

How do you use multiplication tables?

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Why arent vertical lines allowed in tables on biology reports or journals?

Vertical lines are generally not recommended in tables for biology reports or journals because they can make the table visually cluttered and harder to read. Tables are meant to present data clearly and concisely, and unnecessary lines can distract from the information being conveyed. Additionally, most style guides in biology publications discourage the use of vertical lines in tables for consistency and aesthetics.