

How are exponents used in science?

Updated: 10/19/2022
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βˆ™ 14y ago

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They are used as an easy, convenient way to express very large and very small numbers.


Charge on one electron = [ 0.0000000000000000001602 Coulomb ] or [ 1.602 x 10-19 Coulomb ]

One light-year: [ 5,878,700,000,000 miles ] or [ 5.8787 x 1012 miles ].

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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Q: How are exponents used in science?
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When a negative exponent has no meanig but is introduced to complete the set of exponents?

It certainly has a meaning. It is only meaningless if you consider powers as repeated multiplication; but the "extended" definition, for negative and fractional exponents, makes a lot of sense, and it is regularly used in math and science.

What is the keyboard macro for making exponents?

there are no keys for exponents, but you use this ^. its used for online classes.

What are exponents used for?

it is used to simplify large numbers

Why do you have negative exponents?

Negative exponents are used to represent 1 divided by an a base to a specific exponent.

How are exponents and powers different?

They are not. Exponents, powers and indices are terms used for the same thing.

What is the prime factorization of 706 with exponents?

The prime factorization of 706 with exponents is 21 x 3531. However, exponents would not normally be used in this case.

Why do you use exponents?

Exponents are used in many different contexts and for different, though related, reasons. Exponents are used in scientific notation to represent very large and very small numbers. The main purpose it to strip the number of unnecessary detail and to reduce the risk of errors. Exponents are used in algebra and calculus to deal with exponential or power functions. Many laws in physics, for example, involve powers (positive, negative or fractional) of basic measures. Calculations based on these laws are simper if exponents are used.

Who discovered rational exponents anyway?

This exact question is on a puzzle worksheet over rational exponents used by teachers. The answer to the puzzle is Nicole Oresme.

How do you raise a power to a power?

The rule is that you multiply the exponents. So if I have 2 squared and I want to raise it to the third power, you multiply the 2x3=6. When you multiply powers you add the exponents. When you raise exponents to a power you multiply. This works for rational exponents which can be used to represent roots as well.

If two exponents have the same factor or base what happens to the exponents when the exponents are multipled?

The exponents are added.

Why would one power of 10 not be used in exponents?

It can be, but there is no great advantage.

What is used to write repeated factors in a more compact form?
