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When the slightest crack appear on the slabs of limestone it may rain which causes the cracks to flood with water.when tempertures decrease 0 degrees of beloow the what frezzed which then expands the crack (get bigger)this process is called frezze -thaw.

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Q: How are grykes formed?
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How Clints and grykes are formed?

Clints and Grykes are formed whenweathering wears away pavements already there. This then performs a thin gap called a gryke and the slab still left is called a clint.

What are grykes?

Not sure

Where is Clints and grykes found in a limeston area?

Clints are the blocks of limestone that remain standing between the grykes, which are the fissures or cracks in the limestone pavement. This formation can be found in limestone areas, particularly in regions with karst topography like the Yorkshire Dales in England or the Burren in Ireland.

What are Clints and grikes?

Limestone pavements are made up of two separate but integral parts known as clints and grykes. Clints are the blocks of limestone that constitute the paving, their area and shape is directly dependant upon the frequency and pattern of grykes. Grykes are the fissures that isolate the individual clints.

What are Clints in limestone?

Clints are the raised blocks or sections of limestone pavement that are surrounded by grykes, which are the deep fissures or cracks in the pavement. They are formed by the natural processes of weathering and erosion over time, creating a characteristic pattern of blocks and gaps in limestone landscapes.

How are Clints and grikes form?

By chemical weathering leaving gaps in the limestone (grykes) and slabs of rock outside them (Clints)

What is a Clint and grike in topography?

A Limestone pavement is made up of two separate but important parts known as clints and grykes,Clints are the blocks of limestone that forms the paving, their area and shape is directly reliant upon the occurrence and pattern of grykes, Grykes are the spaces that separate the individual clints.

What is the weathering process called that causes clients and grikes?

Clints and grykes are caused by exposed limestone bedrock being weathered by rainfall over many years.

Why does chemical weathering form gaps in limestone?

Chemical weathering can form gaps in limestone because the acidic rainwater dissolves and weakens the calcium carbonate in the limestone. Over time, this dissolution process enlarges small cracks and fractures within the rock, creating gaps and cavities. Additionally, biological activity from organisms like plant roots or burrowing animals can contribute to the weathering process, further widening these gaps.

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it was formed by being formed

What type of rock is found in the burren?

The Burren in Ireland is primarily composed of karst landscape made up of limestone rock. This unique geological formation includes limestone pavements, caves, and grykes, which are deep fissures between the rocks.

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