

How are integers used in golf?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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13y ago

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There are no fractional strokes.

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Q: How are integers used in golf?
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What sports use negative integers?

Golf, Hockey, Football

What are some ways you use integers in everyday life with out even knowing you are?

in golf u use integers hahahahahah oh yeahh

Does golf use integers?

Yes. Its used for when you keep having to try over and over again. That's the negative part. And the positive part is when you get a whole in one.

Why does golf use integers?

The scoring in golf uses integers. You want to try to get a negative number. The higher the number is (positive), the more you're losing. The lower the number is (negative), the more you're winning. :) HOPE THIS HELPS! <3

Real world situations with integers?

You use integers in golf, temperature (not body temp. because those sometimes use decimals), football yardage, weight, globes, and maps.

How are integers used in a sentence?

Integers can be positive or negative.

What is golf buggy used for?

Golf buggy is a vehicle which is used to transport golf players and their equipments across the golf terrain.

How are integers used in skateboarding?

integers are used in skateboarding by using positive integers like 180 360 540 720 and 900

How do integers relate to sports?

Positive integers are usef in almost all sports , when scoring. Negatives are used in golf when you hit under par (good thing), and 0 is used when on par or before scoring in other sports

What symbol is used for integers?

The set of integers is represented by Z.

How are integers used?

Integers are used in diving, money, cooking, height, bank account and more!

How is integers used in cooking?

integers are used in cooking with measurements like cups grams ounces and etc.