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Q: How are linear trend and non linear trend different?
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Usually non-linear.Usually non-linear.Usually non-linear.Usually non-linear.

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A linear relation is a straight line. A non-linear relation is not - it mayor may not be be a curve.

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Usually the expression is employed in the context of the relationship between a dependent variable and another variable. The latter may or may not be independent: often it is time but that is not necessary. In some cases there is some indication that that there is a linear relationship between the two variables and that relationship is referred to as a trend.Note that a trend is not the same as causation. There may appear to be a strong linear trend between two variables but the variables may not be directly related at all: they may both be related to a third variable. Also, the absence of linear trends does not imply that the variables are unrelated: there may be non-linear relationships.

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The relationship between the variables may not be linear.

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What trend do you notice when comparing the length of the wrench radius and the torque?

There is a direct linear relationship.There is a direct linear relationship.There is a direct linear relationship.There is a direct linear relationship.

What is a non-example of linear?

It is possible to give an example of non-linear, but I have no idea what a non-example is. Is a non-example of linear a curve. That would be my first thought but not sure