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whole numbers include numbers from 0 to infinity whereas natural numbers are the numbers from 1 to infinity

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Q: How are natural and whole number different?
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How are natural an whole numbers different?

Negative integers are whole numbers but not natural numbers. Mathematicians are undecided about zero. It is a whole number: some believe zero is a natural number, others do not.

How are integers different from natural and whole numbers?

An integer is any whole number

What number is a natural number but not a whole number?

0 is whole no but not a natural no.

Is Every whole number is a natural number number?

No its not, zero is a whole number but its not natural!!! :)

Is the statement true if a number is not a natural number then it is not a whole number true?

That depends - unfortunately, "whole number" is ambiguous, and can mean different things to different people. If by "whole number" you mean "natural number", then both are of course the same. If you choose to include negative numbers in your definition of "whole number", i.e., whole numbers = integers, then the two sets are not the same, and the proposed statement is false.

What is a whole number that is no a natural numbers?

A negative integer is a whole number but not a natural number.

What is a natural number that is not a whole number?

There is some disagreement as to whether zero, a whole number, is a natural number.

Is there is a natural number that is not a whole number?

No. All natural numbers are whole numbers.

Are natural numbers always whole numbers?

is a natural number a whole number

Is every natural number a whole number?

Yes, every natural number is a whole number.

Is a whole number a natural number?

There is some disagreement as to whether zero, a whole number, belongs to the set of natural numbers.

Is a natural nember always a whole number?

Yes, a natural number is always a whole number.for ex- 1 is a natural no. And is a whole no. fact every natural no. Is a whole no.