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pie charts show the percentage of whatever the chart is displaying and bar charts show the improvement or difference in what the chart is showing. they are the same because if both the pie chart and bar chart are being used for the same situation, the data should be the same.

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Q: How are pie and bar charts the same and different?
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Microsoft Excel supports many types of charts to help you display data in ways that ... Clustered column chart and clustered column chart in 3-D ... Names that are not in any specific order (for example, item names, .... Pie of pie and bar of pie Pie of pie or bar of pie charts display pie charts with user-defined values.

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Not sure about the word "correspond", but categorical data can be represented through pie or bar charts.

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pie charts, bar graphs, scatter plots, line graph, histogram, line plot, bar graph, double bar graph, pictograph, and box and whisker plot.