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That means that the functions is made up of different functions - for example, one function for one interval, and another function for a different interval. Such a function is still a legal function - it meets all the requirements of the definition of a "function". However, in the general case, you can't write it as "y = (some expression)", using a single expression at the right.

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Q: How are piece-wise functions different from other functions?
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How are piecewise functions related to step functions and absolute value functions?

A piecewise function is a function defined by two or more equations. A step functions is a piecewise function defined by a constant value over each part of its domain. You can write absolute value functions and step functions as piecewise functions so they're easier to graph.

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Piecewise, linear, exponential, quadratic, Onto, cubic, polynomial and absolute value.

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The form of the piecewise functions can be arbitrarily complex, but higher degrees of specification require considerably more user input.

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A piecewise defined function is a function which is defined symbolically using two or more formulas

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When finding the derivative of a point on a piecewise function does every function in the piecewise function need to be continuous and approach the same limit?

All differentiable functions need be continuous at least.

How do you graph and evaluate piecewise functions?

Graph each "piece" of the function separately, on the given domain.

What is piecewise smooth function?

f is a piecewise smooth funtion on [a,b] if f and f ' are piecewise continuous on [a,b]

Can you please show that first derivation is piecewise continuous?

Assuming you mean "derivative", I believe it really depends on the function. In the general case, there is no guarantee that the first derivative is piecewise continuous, or that it is even defined.

What Excel function offers the possibility to view different results depending on the entered condition?

The IF Function will do that, but other functions, like the VLOOKUP, can also return different results depending on the conditions.The IF Function will do that, but other functions, like the VLOOKUP, can also return different results depending on the conditions.The IF Function will do that, but other functions, like the VLOOKUP, can also return different results depending on the conditions.The IF Function will do that, but other functions, like the VLOOKUP, can also return different results depending on the conditions.The IF Function will do that, but other functions, like the VLOOKUP, can also return different results depending on the conditions.The IF Function will do that, but other functions, like the VLOOKUP, can also return different results depending on the conditions.The IF Function will do that, but other functions, like the VLOOKUP, can also return different results depending on the conditions.The IF Function will do that, but other functions, like the VLOOKUP, can also return different results depending on the conditions.The IF Function will do that, but other functions, like the VLOOKUP, can also return different results depending on the conditions.The IF Function will do that, but other functions, like the VLOOKUP, can also return different results depending on the conditions.The IF Function will do that, but other functions, like the VLOOKUP, can also return different results depending on the conditions.

What is a piece-wise function?

for a piecewise function, the domain is broken into pieces, with a different rule defining the function for each piece