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A quotient is the answer of a division question and the product is the answer of a multiplication question but they are the same because they are both an answer to a math problem.

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Q: How are quotients and products similar and different?
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How are these terms alike differences sums quotients and products?

Alike is the same as Differences means subtractions Sums means additions Quotients means divisions Products means multiplications

What is the relationship between decimal products and quotients?

Decimal products are numbers that are the result of multiplication procedures and are not whole numbers. Decimal quotients are numbers that are the result of division procedures and are not whole numbers.

How do you estimate products and quotients of fractions?

By rounding each of the numbers involved.

What is the remainder of 154x15?

Remainders accompany quotients, not products. 154x15 uses multiplication, not division.

Why is the poduct and the quotient of to nonzer integers have the same sign?

Because that is how products and quotients are defined!

Where did John Napier invent the Napier bones?

Napier's Bones, a system similar to an abacus which assists in the calculation of products and quotients, and also referred to as Rabdology, was first mentioned as a new invention by Napier in 1617 in Edinburgh, Scotland.

How do the signs of two integers affect their products and quotients?

If one of them is a negative then the answer is a negative but if there both negative or positive then the answer will be positive

How is estimating quotients different from estimating products?

Estimating quotients is like trying to guess how many slices of cake you'll get from a whole cake, while estimating products is like trying to figure out how much money you'll have after buying a certain number of cakes. In both cases, you're making an educated guess based on the numbers involved, but the end result is either a quotient (division) or a product (multiplication). So, in a nutshell, estimating quotients involves dividing and estimating products involves multiplying.

What are quotients of integers?

Quotients are the answers in division problems.

When was Quotients - EP - created?

Quotients - EP - was created on 2009-05-13.

What is 3518divided by 32 in partial quotients?

3518divided by 32 in partial quotients = 109.9375

What its uses of the napiersbones?

Napier's bones is a manually-operated calculating device created by John Napier of Merchiston for calculation of products and quotients of numbers.