The simple way: multiply the numerators to get the numerator, multiply the denominators to get the denominator.
To get the preferred answer cancel common factors in the new numerator and denominator. But this can be tricky.
Yes. Since 0.555 and 0.5 are both rational numbers, their product will be rational.
0.75 and 1 is one possible pair.
The way in which the binary functions, addition and multiplication, are defined on the set of rational numbers ensures that the set is closed under these two operations.
Only if the rational number is 0.
Every rational number does.
Any irrational number multiplied by 0.5 will remain irrational. Any rational number multiplied by 0.5 will remain rational.
You get a product which can be rational or irrational.
Yes. Since 0.555 and 0.5 are both rational numbers, their product will be rational.
The answer will depend on what it is to be multiplied by. Since this part is missing from the question, it is not possible to give a sensible answer.
The product of two rational numbers is a rational number. All decimal numbers that terminate or end with a repeating sequence of digits are rational numbers. As both 0.54732814 (as written) and 0.5 are terminating decimals, they are both rational numbers. As 0.54732814 is a rational number and 0.5 is a rational number, their product will also be a rational number.
It must be a generalised rational number. Otherwise, if you select a rational number to multiply, then you will only prove it for that number.
0.75 and 1 is one possible pair.
Any number will be a rational number when multiplied.0 multiplied by any real number is rational and so it will produce a rational number when multiplied.If x is any non-zero number (rational or not), then since it is non-zero, 1/x is defined and x*(1/x) = 1 which is rational. So any non-zero number will produce a rational number when multiplied.Thus any number will produce a rational number when multiplied.
They represent rational numbers.
Some irrational numbers can be multiplied by another irrational number to yield a rational number - for example the square root of 2 is irrational but if you multiply it by itself, you get 2 - which is rational. Irrational roots of numbers can yield rational numbers if they are raised to the appropriate power
The way in which the binary functions, addition and multiplication, are defined on the set of rational numbers ensures that the set is closed under these two operations.