To convert a rational number to a decimal divide the numerator by the denominator.
If the denominator contains any prime factor other than 2 and/or 5, the decimal will not terminate but end with one or more digits recurring. In this case it is either rounded or written with a dot over the first and last recurring digits (if only one digit recurs then a single dot is placed over that digit at the end of the decimal).
As it is not always possible to type the correct format with dots over recurring digits, I will often write the recurring digit(s) three times followed by an ellipsis (three full stops together) to mean "and so on", ie the decimal repeats.
Rational numbers are numbers that can be written as a fraction. A whole number is a number with no decimals.
Yes, terminating decimals are always rational numbers.
A decimal is a way of representing a number in such a way that the place value of each digit is ten times that of the digit to its right. Any number can have a decimal representation. Rational numbers have decimal representations that are either terminating or recurring whereas non-recurring decimals represent irrational numbers.
No. Recurring decimals are rational numbers.
Yes. Rational numbers are numbers or decimals that repeat or terminate. Irrational numbers do not. For example π is an irrational number.
Yes; it can be written as 3/1000. In general, both terminating and periodic decimals are rational numbers.Yes; it can be written as 3/1000. In general, both terminating and periodic decimals are rational numbers.Yes; it can be written as 3/1000. In general, both terminating and periodic decimals are rational numbers.Yes; it can be written as 3/1000. In general, both terminating and periodic decimals are rational numbers.
Repeating decimals are ALWAYS rational numbers.
Rational numbers are numbers that can be written as a fraction. A whole number is a number with no decimals.
Yes, terminating decimals are always rational numbers.
No. Rational numbers are either terminating decimals or non-terminating BUT recurrent decimals.
Rational Numbers are any number that can be written in fraction form .This includes integers, terminating decimals, and repeating decimals as well as fractions. A decimal number can be written in rational numbers depending on the place value of the decimal point.
All repeating decimals are rational numbers. Not all rational numbers are repeating decimals.
Yes. Integers are whole numbers and their opposites. Rational numbers are numbers that can be written as a fraction. This includes decimals that terminate and repeat.
Rational numbers can be written as a ratio. They can be named as fractions and/or decimals.
Yes. Integers are whole numbers and their opposites. Rational numbers are numbers that can be written as a fraction. This includes decimals that terminate and repeat.
A decimal is a way of representing a number in such a way that the place value of each digit is ten times that of the digit to its right. Any number can have a decimal representation. Rational numbers have decimal representations that are either terminating or recurring whereas non-recurring decimals represent irrational numbers.