Roman Numerals, use a different system to the numbers we borrowed from the Hindus and Arabs, in that, they use letters. Translating them is simple, Roman Numeral Translators can be found anywhere on the internet, or, you can learn them. From 1 to 3 goes as follows: I, II, III. It is written with capital 'I's, one for each number, but, number 4 is different. 4 and 5 are IV and V, V is 5, and, one before it, would be 1 before 5, which is I before V, hence why it is put together, as IV. The trick to remember with Roman Numerals, is that shortcuts are often made, when something is before something else. Then, six, seven and eight are easy, VI, VII, and VIII, it just adds a 1, 2, and 3, on to the 5. So it's a bit of dead-easy mathematics. Now, if 10 is X, then that means nine, being 1 before 10, would be IX. So, from 1 to 10, is: * I * II * III * IV * V * VI * VII * VIII * IX * X And then, from there, the process repeats itself, just, putting an X before all the numbers. Think of Roman Numerals as words and mathematics, there's one, two, three, one before five, five, one after five, two after five, three after five, one before ten, ten. Then, it will go, one after ten, two after ten, three after ten, one before fifteen ... So, from 11 to 20, is: * XI * XII * XIII * XIV * XV * XVI * XVII * XVIII * XIX * XX The process goes on like this - 10, 20, 30, 40, X, XX, XXX, XXXX, until you get to 50. Assuming XXXX is 40, it goes XXXXI, XXXXII, XXXXIII, XXXXIV, XXXXV, XXXXVI, XXXXVII, XXXXVIII, and then, funnily enough, IL. This is because the next number, 50, is L. And then, from there, it goes LI, LII, LIII, LIV ... etcetera. 50, 60, 70, 80, and 90, would be L, LX, LXX, LXXX, and LXXXX, and, then, it starts to get different as it reaches 100, again. Because 100 is C, 99 is IC. The rest can be worked out from here, CI, CII, CIII, CX, CXXXX, CL, CC, CCCC, etcetera. Below is a list of all the letters used, and their values. * I - 1 * V - 5 * X - 10 * L - 50 * C - 100 * D - 500 * M - 1000 Two last points to be made. * There is no zero, in Roman Numerals, it is not including in the counting system. * There are no further letters to go past 1000, however, anything counted above 1000, an underline is used. When a Roman Numeral is underlined, it is multiplied by 1000, so, when you get to MMMMMMMMMDCCCCLXXXXVIII, 9998, the following numbers would be IX, then X.
Expressed in Roman numerals, 2010 is written MMX.2010 = MMX
Expressed in Roman numerals, this is equal to DCXC.
Expressed in Roman numerals, 308 is equal to CCCVIII.
Expressed in Arabic numerals, the Roman numeral MCLXVI corresponds to 1166.
XCIII is already expressed in Roman numerals. As Arabic numerals, it is equal to 93.
Expressed in Roman numerals, 2010 is written MMX.2010 = MMX
Expressed in Roman numerals, this is equal to DCXC.
Expressed in Roman numerals, this is equal to DCCLI.
Expressed in Roman numerals, 308 is equal to CCCVIII.
Expressed in Arabic numerals, the Roman numeral MCLXVI corresponds to 1166.
XCIII is already expressed in Roman numerals. As Arabic numerals, it is equal to 93.
The date can't be expressed in Roman Numerals since it's incompatible with that number system. You can possibly work out with only numbers, such as 2 or 11.
Expressed in Roman numerals, 52 is equal to LII.
Expressed in Roman numerals, 1865 is equal to MDCCCLXV.
It is: 27 is the equivalent of XXVII expressed in Roman numerals
2000 A.D. would be expressed as MM in Roman numerals.
No,decimal numbers and whole numbers are not counted in Roman Numerals,ROman nUmerals are meant only for natural Numbers.