Scale drawings are used by artists, architects and builders to get an accurate drawing either smaller or larger than the actual thing is.
Not all drawings are done to scale, sketches of buildings and people for instance. However if it is a technical drawing the draughtsman/woman will state on the drawing the scale used.
this is a 2 part answer, 1) your scaled factor is determined by the your map size, a "To" scale drawing is a percentage of the actual size of the object being drawn on the map 2) using autocadd for most drawings and draft's you typically draw the object at a 1:1 ratio, then apply the desired Scale (or scale factor) to fit the the desired paper size
for showing a preview, or planning, without actually building the real structure
Common and frequently used scales include 1:5, 1:10, 1:20, 1:50, 1:100, 1:200, 1:500 and 1:1000. What scale is used purely depends on the situation, and what would be best suited, considering factors such as space and size.
cus if you draw drawings then you draw draweings alot more often
Ariana Grande
Not all drawings are done to scale, sketches of buildings and people for instance. However if it is a technical drawing the draughtsman/woman will state on the drawing the scale used.
An engineer's scale is a special kind of ruler used in engineering drafting, such as for blueprints. The scale helps to make drawings that are a certain ratio of the size of the original. For example, 1:10 scale would produce a drawing that is one tenth the size of the original object.
When designing any large objects or structures, such as buildings, planes, bridges etc.
Yes a fashion designer does use a scale drawing...
You need ratios to find out what scale to use.
Architects use them. So do plumbers, engineers, designers, and surveyors. Hope this sorta helped!
to see how the building will look like hope i helped
Drawings are drawn "to scale" usually 1/4 inch = 1 foot
The scale factor of a scale drawing is the ratio of any length in the drawing to the true corresponding length in the "real" object.
Architects, fashion designers, landscapers.
a surveyor measures land to make scale drawings which are maps