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Q: How are segments initialized?
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Not initialized variable: int myInt; Initialized variable: int myInt = 10;

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How can a PHP static be initialized?

PHP static can only be initialized using a literal or constant. You can not use an expression. You can initialize it to an integer but you may not to another variable.

What is the value of the un initialized pointers?

Random garbage, obviously. Let's note that global (ie not automatic) variables are automatically initialized by zero (=NULL)

Which variable is initialized once when program is compiled?

global and static

What value cannot be changed once it is initialized?

A constant value.

Segments of the equal lenght are what kind of segments?

Segments of equal length are congruent segments.

What are congruent segments?

congruent segments are the same segments.

What happens if you don't initialize an instance variable of any of the primitive type in java?

Java by default initializes it to the default value for that primitive type. Thus an int will be initialized to 0(zero), a Boolean will be initialized to false.

Why do you use superclass init method inside your init method in a servlet?

Because, that is how all Java classes work. When a class is initialized/created all the classes it extends from (its super classes) need to be initialized as well.