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Q: How are size and shape important to describe am-country?
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How do you describe your room?

Size, shape, position, colour and contents should do fine.

How are the size of helicopter blades important?

The size and shape define what the rotor will lift.

What geographic characteristics describe a country?

Size, shape, and relative location. Hope this was useful :)

How can you describe figure that have the same shape and are the same size?

They are said to be congruent with one another

Name the capital of Tajikistan Describe Tajikistan's size in relation to the countries around it and describe its shape?

the capital is Dushanbe which means monday in Tajik

How can you describe figures that have the same shape and are the same size?

equal, the same as, mathmatically similar, exactly the same as each other etc. The technical term for figures of identical size and shape is "isomorphic".

Why is the shape and size of a cell important to its function?

The shape and size of a cell determine its surface area-to-volume ratio, which affects the efficiency of its nutrient exchange and waste removal processes. Certain shapes are better suited for specific functions, such as flat shapes for absorption or elongated shapes for muscle contraction. Size can also impact how quickly a cell can transport materials within its interior.

What are is the size shape and position of grains that make up a rock?

The term used to describe the size and organization of the materials that comprise a rock is 'texture'.

What term is used to describe a collection of characters of a particular size and shape?

The single word term is 'font'

What term is used to describe 'a collection of characters of a particular size and shape?

The single word term is 'font'

How do you describe geographical patterns?

Latitude, longitude, height above sealevel, size, shape, and distinguished features.

What term is used to describe changes in size shape and characteristics of the body?

the correct answer is metamorphosis