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Q: How are speechless and effortlees alike?
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Are speechless and effortless alike?

No, speechless and effortless are not alike. Speechless means unable to speak, while effortless means requiring no effort or difficulty. They are two different concepts relating to communication and ease of achievement.

How are speechless and effortless alike and what do they mean each word?

Speechless means to lose the words, nothing to say. Effortless means something without hard work.

How are the words speechless and effortless alike?

Both words end in "-less" and indicate a lack of something: "speechless" meaning a lack of speech or words, and "effortless" meaning a lack of effort or difficulty. They both suggest a sense of ease or simplicity in their respective contexts.

How is speechless and effortless alike?

Both "speechless" and "effortless" describe a state of having no need for action or words. "Speechless" means unable to speak due to being overwhelmed or at a loss for words, while "effortless" means requiring little to no effort or exertion. Both convey a sense of ease or lack of necessity for further action.

How are speechless and effortless alike?

they have same suffixes (less)

How do you put speechless in a sentence?

This question has made me speechless.

How do you use the word speechless in sentence?

He left me speechless after he gave me that answer.

Which is Lady Gagas favourite song that she sings?


How do you use speechless in a sentences?

I was speechless when i won the spelling bee.

When was Speechless EP created?

Speechless EP was created in 2003.

What part of speech is speechless?

Speechless is an adjective.

Who sings speechless the song?

Lady GaGa sings 'Speechless'.