These are all the same number:decimal 0.03077fraction 2/65percent 3.077%
To change 0.3 to a fraction, it is 3/10. All you do is put the 3 over 10. To change 0.3 to a percent, move the decimal two places to the right. It is 30%.
To turn a decimal [fraction] into a percent you simply multiply it by 100 and add a percentage sign. If the decimal fraction has two or more digits after the decimal point, then all you need to do is to move the decimal point two digits to the right and add the percent symbol. If the number has only one digit after the decimal point then you need to add a zero and then move the decimal point.Thus:0.3456 = 34.56%0.0345 = 03.45% = 3.45%0.34 = 34%0.3 = 0.30 = 30%
They are related because all you have to move the decimal to get either one.
This is the long way, explaining all the steps: 13% of 65 can be set up as a fraction: 13/65 convert the fraction to a decimal by dividing the top number by the bottom number: 13 ÷ 65 = .2 then convert the decimal to a percent by moving the decimal place 2 places to the right and placing the percent sign: .2 = 20%
finding the percent is not at all difficult first you put the fraction as a decimal then you move the decimal two places to the right.
There are infinitely many of them. It is not possible to provide an answer.
These are all the same number:decimal 0.03077fraction 2/65percent 3.077%
Using a decimal, of course. All you need do is move the decimal point two places to the right.
The answer depends on what you want to "do" into a fraction or decimal. Not all numbers can be "done" into a fraction.
To change 0.3 to a fraction, it is 3/10. All you do is put the 3 over 10. To change 0.3 to a percent, move the decimal two places to the right. It is 30%.
Well first you have to divide 25 by 15 to get the decimal equivalent 1.6 with the 6 repeating. To get the percent all you have to do is multiply the decimal equivalent by 100 to get 166 and 2/3 %.
add all your marks you got, then divide by 100. You will get your percent. But be careful. It might come out as a decimal
2.05 equals 205% because 2= 200% .05= 5% All you have to do is take out the decimal and you have your percentage
To turn a decimal [fraction] into a percent you simply multiply it by 100 and add a percentage sign. If the decimal fraction has two or more digits after the decimal point, then all you need to do is to move the decimal point two digits to the right and add the percent symbol. If the number has only one digit after the decimal point then you need to add a zero and then move the decimal point.Thus:0.3456 = 34.56%0.0345 = 03.45% = 3.45%0.34 = 34%0.3 = 0.30 = 30%
They are related because all you have to move the decimal to get either one.
Because when you change a fraction into a decimal and change the decimal into a percent it all adds up... Let me explain... 1/2 is a fraction The decimal of 1/2 is 0.5 Move the decimal point 2 places to the right and you get the percent of 0.5 which is 50%. Fractions and decimals are the same, they're just used in different forms.