The unit that is used in the denominator is the one to cancels the unit that appears in a numerator.
The denominator must contain the unit that you wish to cancel in the numerator of the other number.
They are a common factor and any common factor in the numerator and denominator of a ratio can be cancelled out.
cross product method is multiplying the numerator of the first factor to the denominator of the second factor and multiplying the denominator to the numerator of the second factor.
Find the Greatest Common Factor of the numerator and denominator, then divide the numerator by the GCF, and that is the new numerator. Divide the denominator by the GCF, and that is the new denominator.
The unit that is used in the denominator is the one to cancels the unit that appears in a numerator.
Centi is the prefix for one hundredth so numerator = 100 an denominator = 1.
The denominator must contain the unit that you wish to cancel in the numerator of the other number.
when you divide the numerator and denominator by the same factor
They are a common factor and any common factor in the numerator and denominator of a ratio can be cancelled out.
Dividing the numerator and denominator by a common factor is how you simplify a fraction.
If the numerator was a factor of the denominator.
An expression is in its lowest terms if the greatest common factor of the numerator and denominator is one.An expression is in its lowest terms if the greatest common factor of the numerator and denominator is one.An expression is in its lowest terms if the greatest common factor of the numerator and denominator is one.An expression is in its lowest terms if the greatest common factor of the numerator and denominator is one.
cross product method is multiplying the numerator of the first factor to the denominator of the second factor and multiplying the denominator to the numerator of the second factor.
The numerator is 5.The denominator is 9.
Find the Greatest Common Factor of the numerator and denominator, then divide the numerator by the GCF, and that is the new numerator. Divide the denominator by the GCF, and that is the new denominator.
If the numerator and denominator of a fraction have a common factor (except for '1'), divide both numerator and denominator by their common factor. The fraction is in the simplest form when the numerator and denominator have no common factors.