

How are the points counted?

Updated: 12/16/2022
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Q: How are the points counted?
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Till when did a try counted 3 points?

Tries went up from 3 to 4 points in 1981

Was a goal ever counted as 2 points in the scoring race?

No, never, where did you get that idea

How did people get Historical points on WikiAnswers?

'Historical' points are points earned before a major site update changed the way contributions were counted. The site describes them as "miscellaneous points from our older system".

How many points are ther in the leaving cert?

Your 6 best subjects are counted for when calculating your points

How many total points were scored in the NCAA tournament in 2006?

as I tallied it, with the play-in game counted, the total points scored came to 8728

How many points did a field goal use to be worth?

When football adopted a numerical scoring system in 1883, a field goal counted for 5 points. It was reduced to 4 points in 1904 and 3 points in 1909.

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So you can get the full grade without late points counted off

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Are all contributors not getting their trust points when they answer a question?

Trust points are given by the Readers of your answers. Each member can recommend a contributor once. Answers are counted as contributions.

Who has the most points in a tae kwon do career?

in tae kwon do you don't get points sparring is the only thing people do against each other. and when you get points they are counted but not recorded anywhere like a hall of fame or something

Are there different levels of 'Trust Points' on WikiAnswers?

There aren't really different levels of Trust Points, they're counted one at a time. Everyone can "vote" for everyone else once.