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They both depend on circumference not perimeter.

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Q: How are the surface area formulas of cones and cylinders similar?
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How cones and cylinders similar How are they different?

Similar: They both have a circular base.Different: A cone has a vertex, a cylinder does not.

How are cones and cylinders similar to pyramids and prisms?

cones are similar to pyramids because they come to a point, also known as the vertex. Cones and pyramids are also conic. Cylinders are similar to prisms because their base, no matter what shape, will translate (slide) all the way up the middle to the top. Basically, their 2 bases should always always always be congruent. Prisms and cylinders are also cylindric.

How are pyramids and cones different than prisms and cylinders?

Pyramids and cones have a pointed top (apex) while prisms and cylinders have flat tops. Pyramids and cones have a single base, while prisms have two parallel bases. Cones have a curved surface while pyramids have triangular faces.

Cylinders and cones are just polyhedrons with circular bases?

False. Cylinders and cones are not just polyhedrons with circular bases.

Since cones and cylinders have circular bases the surfaces area formulas should involve rather than?

circumference rather than perimeter

The lateral surface area of cone A is equal to the lateral surface area of cylinder B.?

It is possible for some cones A and cylinders B. But in general, the assertion is false.

Why are cylinders and cones not considered to be polyhedrons?

Cylinders and cones are not considered polyhedrons because they do not have flat faces, which is a defining characteristic of polyhedrons. Polyhedrons are three-dimensional shapes made up of flat surfaces, while cylinders and cones have curved surfaces. Additionally, polyhedrons have straight edges where faces meet, whereas cylinders and cones have curved edges. Therefore, cylinders and cones are classified as curved surfaces rather than polyhedrons.

What- is-the-relationship-between-cylinders'-cones'-and-spheres'-surface area?

The relationship between the surface areas of cylinders, cones, and spheres is that the surface area of a cylinder is equal to the sum of the areas of its two circular bases and its curved surface area, the surface area of a cone is equal to the sum of the area of its circular base and its curved surface area, and the surface area of a sphere is equal to four times the area of its circular base.

Which three-dimensional figures have circular bases?

Cones, cylinders.

Why aren't cylinders and cones and spheres polygons?

polygons have faces and cylinders and cone and spheres only has bases not faces.

How does calculus impact your society?

The biggest impact I think of: Calculus is how people invented the formulas to get the volume and surface area of spheres/cones/pyramids.

How do the surface areas formula of cones and cylinders differ from that of prisms and pyramids?

The most general difference is: > The formula for the surface area of anything with a curved surface and edge will involve 'pi'. > The formula for the surface area of anything with only flat surfaces and straight edges won't.