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Q: How are the vertical axis labels calculated?
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How do you get data labels on Excel charts from the center of data back to y axis?

I was confusing Axis Titles with Axes. The solution is to turn off Data Labels and turn on Vertical Axes.

On a column chart the category labels display along the?

The category labels are displayed along the horizontal axis in the column chart. On the other hand, the data is plotted along the vertical axis.

Is the X axis on the horizontal or vertical axis?

The x axis is the horizontal axis. The y axis is the vertical axis.

Is a vertical like on the Y axis or the X axis?

The vertical axis is the y-axis. The horizontal axis is the x-axis.

Is the y-axis vertical or horizontal?

The y axis is vertical and the x axis is horizontal.

Which axis is the X and Y on?

The y-axis is vertical and the x-axis is horizontal.

How do you determine which side is the x value and what side is the y value when you are given a chart?

The axes of any chart should be labelled. Usually the horizontal axis is the x-axis and the vertical axis is the y-axis. But, if you are given a square piece of graph paper with two axes on it and either a scatter plot or a line, and no labels nor data then you do not have a chance.

What is the definition of vertical axis?

The vertical axis is a reference axis usually denoted as y-axis in Cartesian co-ordinate system. It can be said that a vertical axis is the axis perpendicular to a reference horizontal surface.

What is the horizontal axis and vertical axis on a graph called?

horizontal:x vertical: y

What is the vertical axis of a graph called?

The y-axis is the vertical line on a line graph.

What axis is the y axis?

A synonym for the y-axis is the vertical axis. In math, a graph has a vertical and a horizontal axis. Another name for the horizontal axis is the x -axis.

The vertical axis in a Cartesian coordinate system?

The z axis in the vertical axis in the Cartesian Coordinate System.