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Q: How are unit rates useful?
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Why is it useful to write a ratio of a fraction as a unit rate?

For people who are not familiar with fractions it is easier to compare them in the form of unit rates.

How can you do unit rates?

You're question is unclear. Most rates are unit rates. Miles per hour implies 1 hour which is a unit (1) rate.

How are unit rates and rates alike?

Unit rates are a special type of rates: those where the numerator or, more usually the denominator, of the rate is 1.

Why are rates usually written as unit rates?

With unit rates there is only one number that needs to be remembered for the conversion factor.

How are rates and unit rates different?

The second number in a unit rate is usually 1, although it can be the first.

What is the same between rates and unit rates?

The value of the ratio is the same.

How are ratios rates and unit rates used to solve problems?


How can you use unit rates and multiplication to solve for missing measures in equivalent ratio problems?

The answer depends on what information is available and which bits are missing. Without that information it is not possible to give a particularly useful answer.

What are some examples of unit rates?

Unit rate is a rate with a denominator of one unit. :) :) :)

What is the most useful Zerg unit?

There is no single most useful Zerg unit; any unit can be useful, useless, or somewhere in between. Where a unit falls is dependent on the current situation. Compare to the game Rock-paper-scissors, where rock is useful against scissors, but useless against paper. Of course the unit relationships are more complicated in the StarCraft games.

What are some nonexamples for unit rate?

A banana is a very good example of a nonexample. It has nothing whatsoever to do with rates, and so nothing to do with unit rates.

Which unit of measurement is most useful for a baseball's weight?

The unit of measurement most useful for a baseball's weight is ounces.