480 feet is 480 feet. If you would like it converted to another unit of measure, please specify.
480 inches= 40 feet
480 square feet.
480 square feet = 53.3 square yards.
480 metre2 = 5167 sq feet
60 x 8 meters is 480 square meters or 5,166.7 square feet.
Asia covers approx 480 trillion square feet.
Depending on what "a circle of 480 feet" means, the radius will have different values. If the radius is 480 feet, then that is your answer. If the diameter is 480 feet, then its radius is 480/2 = 240 feet. If the circumference is 480 feet, then its radius is 480/2(pi) = 240/(pi) = 76.39 feet.
about 480 feet for the great pyramid, 415 feet for the second pyramid and 238 feet for the third.
480 centimeters is 15.75 feet.
480 feet is 0.15 kilometer.
480 cm is 15.748 feet.
480 inches= 40 feet
480 square feet is 44.59m2
480 square feet.
480 sq feet is about 44.6 square meters.
480 inches is 40 feet. (12 inches per foot)
480 square feet, 48 times 10 = 480.