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4879 kilometers (about 3031 miles) is the approximate diameter of the planet Mercury. This is about 38% of the diameter of the Earth, making Mercury the smallest of the major planets.

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Q: How big is 4879 km?
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Related questions

What is mercury's measurements?

It has an average diameter of 4879 km.

What is 4879 kilometres in miles?

4,879 km is about 3,031.7 miles.

What is the diamater of mercury?

4879 km at its equator or 3031 miles long

How many miles are in 4879 kilometers?

4,879 km = 3,031.67 miles (rounded)

What planet in our solar system is closest in diameter to Callisto?

Mercury has a diameter of 4879 km compared to Calisto's 4821 km.

What is the diamiter of mercury?

Mercury's diameter is approximately 4,880 kilometers (3,032 miles).

What is the scale diameter for mercury?

The scale diameter for Mercury is approximately 4,880 kilometers.

Is Mercury larger than the moon?

Mercury is larger. size of Mercury: 4879 km size of Earth's Moon: 3475 km

What city is 4879 km away from Melbourne?

You don't mention which direction, but you'd be somewhere in Niue, maybe Alofi.

What size is mercury compared with the other planets?

Mercury is, by far the smallest.Its average diameter is 4879 km compared to 6792 km for the next smallest, Mars, and compared to 142,984 km for Jupiter.

What size is mercury compared with other planets?

Mercury is, by far the smallest.Its average diameter is 4879 km compared to 6792 km for the next smallest, Mars, and compared to 142,984 km for Jupiter.

Which planet is less then 3000km in diameter?

Mercury is the only planet in our solar system that is less than 3000km in diameter, with a diameter of about 4879 km.