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7/8 inch = 25.4 x 7 / 8 = 22.225 millimetres.

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Q: How big is 7 8 of an inch?
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What is the decimal for 7 eights of an inch?

7/8 = 0.875 of an inch

Which is bigger 7 8 inch or 3 4 inch?

To compare 7 8 inch and 3 4 inch, we need to convert them to a common denominator. Both fractions can be converted to eighths, giving us 7/8 inch and 6/8 inch respectively. Therefore, 7 8 inch is bigger than 3 4 inch because 7/8 inch is greater than 6/8 inch.

What size wrench for o2 sensor in 1998 dodge ram 1500?

7/8 inch7/8 inch

What is the perimeter of a rectangle 7' by 8'?

The apostrophe in 7' means 7 inches. This means that there would be two 7 inch sides to the rectangle and two 8 inch sides. Perimeter = 7+7+8+8= 30 inches.

How many sixteeths of an inch are in seven-eighths of an inch?

(7/8) / (1/16) = (7/8) * (16/1) = 14

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How big is the hope diamond?

The Hope Diamond is one of the largest blue diamonds in the world, measuring about 1 inch in length (25.6 mm), 7/8 inch (22.8 mm) in width, and 4/8 inch (12 mm) in depth. It weighs 45.52 carats and is considered to be priceless due to its unique color and history.

Round 4 and 7 8's to the nearest inch and half inch give your reason that your right?

Either way it's 5. 7/8 is nearer to 8/8 than to 4/8.

Why were 7 inch vinyls made with big holes?

The large holes in 7 inch vinyl records shows that they were used in jukeboxes.

What is the circumferance of a seven eighths inch circle?

7/8 inch circle has a diameter of 7/8 and a radius of 7/16=.4375 circumferance of a circle = 2*pi*radius = 2*3.14*.4375 =2.7475 or 7*pi/8

What is An 8-point saw?

7 teeth/inch

What is an 8 point saw?

7 teeth/inch