

How big is Messier 83?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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Q: How big is Messier 83?
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How big is the M83 galaxy?

Messier 83 (M83) is about 55,500 light years across. About half the size of the Milky Way Galaxy.

What does the M in galaxy M83 mean?

M83 means object number 83 in the Messier catalog.

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By pointing a big telescope in its general direction.

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Leo contains three spiral galaxies (Messier 96, Messier 95, Messier 66 and Messier 65) and one elliptical galaxy (Messier 105).

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Daniel Messier's birth name is Varoujan Daniel Messier.

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Daniel Messier is 6' 1".

Is anything named after Charles Messier?

The crater Messier on the Moon and the asteroid7359 Messier were named in his honor

What is the birth name of Mark Messier?

Mark Messier's birth name is Mark John Douglas Messier.

When was the M83 electronic band formed?

M83 is an electronic synthpop band from France, named after Messier 83, a spiral galaxy. It was formed in 2001 by Nicolas Fromageau and Anthony Gonzalez.

What are the 9 nearest galaxies to our galaxy?

1. Messier 31- Andromeda Galaxy 2. Messier 33- Triangulum Galaxy 3. Messier 51- Whirlpool Galaxy 4. Messier 101/102-Pinwheel Galaxy 5. Messier 81- Cigar Galaxy 6. Messier 82-Bodes Galaxy 7. Messier 107- Sombrerro Galaxy That' about it that I know.. I hoped it helped! :)

When was Joby Messier born?

Joby Messier was born in 1970.

When did George Messier die?

George Messier died in 1933.