It depends on how big the bar is.
The five things that fractions have are ... - numerator - denominator - fraction bar or slash - sign of the numerator - sign of the denominator - sign of the whole fraction
720 Granola bars in 9 minutes720/9 = 80 Granola bars in one minute80 * 15 = 1200 Granola bars in fifteen minutes.
you look at the big number first.
all you have to do is write a bar over an one an put another one above it.
No. A granola bar is a mixture.
A granola bar is a compound.
a granola bar is a mechanical / heterogeneous mixture
The apple is produced by a tree, the granola bar is produced by a factory. The apple is a fruit, the granola bar is a grain product.
Cut one granola bar into 4 parts. Take one granola bar and one piece of the cut bar.
yes, horses can have granola bar if its not chocolate.
low fat granola bar
A protein bar is a good way to decrease your food cravings but i still like the granola bar.. A granola bar is a healthy snack and so is the protein bar.
There are 140 calories in 1 Quaker's chocolate-dipped granola bar.
Nature Valleys Granola Bars
Well, if you mean how do you say spanish granola bar, then it would be - Españoles barra de granola
I would have to say there is a lot of sugar in granola bars. To you chubby kids, you might think that granola bars are a "healthy snack" but they aren't! You are just gonna get fatter if you eat them! Curse granola bars!I would have to say there is a lot of sugar in granola bars. To you chubby kids, you might think that granola bars are a "healthy snack" but they aren't! You are just gonna get fatter if you eat them! Curse granola bars!