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Q: How big is a normal hand?
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How big is a normal sized scorpion?

slightly smaller than your hand

Is it true that the th big hand on BIG BEN rotates through more degrees than the big hand on a normal clock?

No! There are 360 degrees in every circle, not more because the clock is bigger.

What did the big watch hand say to the little watch hand?

The big hand said to the little hand, "Hey, why do you move so fast, I'm to big and slow.

Is hand writing and normal writing the samething?

Yes a hand writing a normal writing are the same thing

what is the big hand on 11 little hand on 2?

When the big hand on 11 little hand on 2, the time is 1:55.

What does the big hand and small hand on the clock mean?

The Clock has both a big hand and a small hand. The big hand is the longer one and it shows you how many minutes. The small hand is the shorter one and it shows you what hour of the day it is.

Which hands are big hands and little hands on a clock?

The big hand or longer hand points to the minutes. The small hand or shorter hand points to the hour. The constantly moving hand (ticker) moves according to the seconds.

Is it normal for your pitbull to have a big vagina?

Not normal.

Which hands are big hands and little hands?

The little hand is the hour hand on a clock, while the big hand is the minutes.

How many times does the big hand and the little hand go round the clock?

In one day, big hand - 24 little hand - 12

What time is it if the big hand is on the 4 and the small hand is the 5?

If the big hand is on the four and small hand is pointing at five, then the time is 5:20.

How big can a dragonfly get?

as big as a mans hand