My pool is 30" by 12' (circle) and it has 2100 gallons of water. My guess is that the 36" high pool would have close to 3000 gallons.
a darn big one :p
It is 120 in by 72 in by 22 in!
That would be about 375 gallons. Pounds is a unit of mass/weight. Gallons is a liquid measure. They do not convert cleanly. The density of the liquid being measured can make a big difference. If the liquid is water, there is 8 pounds to a gallon.
Well, I'm not that sure but when i was younger I fell in it. So I reckon about 200 L, cause it is pretty big
It is 3000 kilograms.
Not many, a average swimming pool holds approx, 12, 000 to 15,000 gallons of water.
a darn big one :p
It can be any dimension or shape as long at the volume of the pool is 94 cubic feet.
Almost nothing if theres a cover on it, otherwise you can lose a few gallons on a hot sunny day.
400k btu
It holds 18 gallons.
How big is the star dust inground swimming pool.
The tank holds 15 gallons.
I Have a 96 dodge neon and it holds 10 gallons. 2000-2005, 12.5 gallons.
It holds either 19 or 20 gallons.
My 1994 holds 20 gallons:)
it holds about 10.5 us gallons of gas