

How big is a pound of gold?

Updated: 9/11/2023
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14y ago

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Precisely 15.01cm.

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Q: How big is a pound of gold?
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A 1889 gold 5 pound coin is worth 5 pounds of gold, while a 1889 2 pound gold coin is only worth 2 pounds of gold.

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A pound of gold and a pound of cotton weigh the same because they both weigh one pound. The difference lies in their volume and value, as gold is much denser and more valuable than cotton.

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How much does one pound of gold cost?

1 pound of gold costs 26,400$ for 2012.

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As I type this the value of 1 pound of gold is $18,040.00

Which is more valuable - one pound of 10 gold coins or half a pound of 20 gold coins?

Since the value of gold is by weight 1 lb of gold is worth more than 1/2 lb of gold by definition. The fact that there are more coins is irrelevant.

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A pound of gold weighs the same as a pound of silver, because they are both one pound. But a block of gold would weigh more than the same-sized block of silver (gold is more dense than silver, so a smaller volume weighs the same).

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