Half a gross is 72. The cost of 72 things will depend on what things you are purchasing.
its half an acre....
Often with jewelry findings, 12 dozen (144 pieces) is written as "1 gross", and 6 dozen (72 pieces) is written as "0.5 gross" or "half-gross" or abbreviated as "1/2 GR". visit our website: livewiretambaram .com/software_development.html
half of 12 is 6.
point five
If a gross is 12 dozen....half a gross is 6 dozen
A gross is equal to 144. Therefore, half a gross is equal to 144 x 0.5 = 72.
half a gross = 72 one and a half score = 30 Answer 102... Easy!
Half a gross is 72. The cost of 72 things will depend on what things you are purchasing.
Girls with big muscles is gross
There seems to be differing opinions on the plural form for the noun gross. Half the dictionaries consulted use the singular noun form for both singular and plural (one gross, two gross), the other half uses the plural form grosses.
Big = gross Baby = baby
Gros bisous (not gross) means big kisses in French
Yes, you can, but it would probably taste gross!
The Dark Half grossed $9,579,068 worldwide.
Half Baked grossed $17,394,881 worldwide.
Big grossed $151,668,774 worldwide.